attachment directly from pipedrive deal log to e-mails

Marko Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER

i would like to have a feature where i could add attachments to an e-mail directly from pipedrive deal log. Our work flow has been built up like that, one person is making an offer and uploading a PDF into pipedrive and the second one is sending it to the client. And asking client feedback, i would also like to add a PDF from the deal log on an automatic feedback e-mail. it would really much help if we could add an e-mail attachment directly from pipedrive deal log to an e-mail and send it directly from pipedrive

2 votes

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  • Hefe
    Hefe Member Posts: 7 VERIFIED MEMBER
    First Comment

    I think this is a great idea!

    I want to be able to send files from pipedrive via e-mail as well. For example a product data sheet that I uploaded to the product.