How Many Contacts, Deals, or Projects?

Smiley Member Posts: 7 VERIFIED MEMBER
Photogenic Name Dropper First Comment
edited January 2024 in Sales CRM #1

I represent taxpayers before the IRS. I have a client who is having difficulties with his personal taxes and two separate businesses. I have three separate POAs and three separate contracts, and from the IRS’s perspective, these are three separate entities. They all have the same person who is responsible for the problem. I will either contract for all three entities or lose all three.

Should I have one Contact, three Deals, and three Projects, or three separate Contacts (my client) and one Deal and Project for each Contact? Or should I have one Contact, one Deal, and one Project that keeps track of all three entities? With this method, I could keep separate notes for each entity within the one Contact, Deal, or Project screens. I am only negotiating with one person at the IRS for all three entities.


  • Jared
    Jared Member Posts: 53 VERIFIED MEMBER
    5 Answers 10 Comments 5 Likes Combo Breaker
    edited December 2023 #2

    @Smiley based on the info you provided, I would suggest having 1 one contact and associating them to a deal and project for each entity you are working on. That way, you can better manage them as they progress at different paces.

    I am happy to learn more about your business case and provide more personalized suggestions if you would like.

  • Smiley
    Smiley Member Posts: 7 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Photogenic Name Dropper First Comment

    @jaredkcreative Many thank yous for your response. I am a bit unclear. Are you suggesting one Deal and three Projects, or three Deals and three Projects?

    I am happy to answer any questions you have about my profession.