Google drive location for files

I have abit of a weird one and I'm not sure where to find the settings.
I have the Google Drive App installed and am having some odd things occur
- when i go to upload a file I see the option to upload from my computer or Google Drive - these files are then saved in a folder in My Drive called Pipedrive (Business Name)
- when i upload a document they are saved in a subfolder named after the Persons name on the project under Shared Drives - then a folder called Pipedrive (Business Name)
- when i upload files i don't see the option to upload from google drive only from my computer and they don't appear to be being saved in Google Drive anywhere
- when i upload a document they are saved in a subfolder named after the Persons name on the project under Shared Drives - then a folder called Pipedrive (Business Name)
Ideally i would want all files uploaded into a subfolder named after the Person's name (files, documents etc) under the Shared Drive version of the Pipedrive folder not the one in My Drive.
But 1. I can't see where to change which drive the files go into (My Drive vs Shared Drive) and 2. i'm not sure when uploading files on Projects as opposed to Deals I can't upload from Google Drive?
Hey @MartinaTEA,
That is an interesting observation, and I can bring context here.
The files and Document sections are two entirely different entities in Pipedrive. The Document section mostly focuses on documents created with add-ons like Smart Docs and other integrations. For documents, you can configure the drive to which the documents should be uploaded, and we automatically put the document in a subfolder based on the origin, like a deal. These settings can be configured from here in Pipedrive.
The files section and the Google Drive integration do not have any direct connection with the Documents settings, and the Google Drive integration can be configured under your Personal Preferences page. This integration currently does not offer the possibility to create a subfolder for each deal/person/organisation and will only be added to one main folder.
The Google Drive integration is currently not available for the Projects section, but it does seem useful to have the integration for Projects as well. Kindly share this in the Ideas and Product Feedback as feedback to bring attention to the feature request to our product team.
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Just do one thing login your Gmail account and click on nine dots then you can find that. Also before going to perform integration take G Suite Backup for offline access and for a backup file.