Email Labels in Timeline and related Improvements

neal_mimeeq Member Posts: 5 VERIFIED MEMBER
Third Anniversary Name Dropper Photogenic First Comment

Not so long ago, labelling was added to Emails.

For example, you can add the label "offer."

However, these only shows in the email box, not on the deal or contact level, which means you do not see it unless you created it.

Also, you cannot just scan down a deal and quickly see this label.


In addition to the above, I would like to see

  1. Filter by Label on the deal or contact view
  2. Tag using automation
  3. Add to Webhooks and Zapier, Label applied to email

2 votes

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  • Nikolai Sokolov
    Nikolai Sokolov Member Posts: 150 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Fourth Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Answers 25 Likes

    yes, pipedrive team - please show labels in the timeline:

    One point of using labels is to "highlight" them in context, not just in the mailbox. I.e. I'd like to label emails as "meeting summary", "onboarding", "troubleshoot" and find those emails quickly in the timeline. Currently, skipping thru dozens of emails is very tedious.

  • Nikolai Sokolov
    Nikolai Sokolov Member Posts: 150 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Fourth Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Answers 25 Likes

    Another application, since there's no way to comment a specific email: label them so that the other person who's been mentioned in a note can find the relevant email quickly.

    Or make emails commentable :) This would actually remove the necessity for tickets in many instances.

    Use case: people from the team need feedback from a team manager on a specific email from a client. Currently its impossible to do this quickly and easily in pipedrive. BUT: being able to start a note linked to an email and mention someone would remove apps like froont from the stack.