"Required" Custom Fields insists on being Required when Deal is Won. Why?!

zak Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
Second Anniversary Photogenic

I've "grown up" in running my business with Pipedrive over the last 5 years, and the thought of using a different CRM is like changing where I get my coffee every day.

But there are so many frustrations which seem to make no sense? What am I doing wrong here...

Why is it that I can't make a Custom Field as 'Required' whenever a Deal is within 2 of the 15 stages in one particular Pipeline, and Required also when the Deal is Lost? Why is it that the 'Marking deal as won' selection must be checked too?

The particular Custom Field I am adding is only relevant to those particular stages, and when the Deal is Lost!

Help me solve this... or at least please tell me I'm not crazy that this is a logical scenario.


  • Sophie
    Sophie Pipedrive Team Posts: 204 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    Third Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Answers 5 Likes

    Hi @zak,

    I understand your feedback completely, thank you so much for sharing! I am not certain of the exact reasoning as to why the field also needs to be required when the deal is won but I have reached out to the team in charge of the required field feature and have submitted your feedback regarding this! If I get any word back about why the field must also be filled out when marked as won I will let you know!