How do I create a field for state specific leads?


I am trying to filter my leads by state/province, taken from there address. I can do it easily in organizations as it is one of the fields to select from. That being said, in leads I can only do the address. I can do the country in leads which is taken from the address though so I am quite confused.


  • Reeve Lui
    Reeve Lui Member Posts: 59 VERIFIED MEMBER
    10 Comments First Anniversary First Answer 5 Likes

    Hi @BMAC

    I supposed you need to create a Custom Field called State for your Leads. I believe Leads is for fast moving purpose, you found a Lead today, you need the name, contact information and the company name.

    However you can find state/provinces in Organizations because it was created this way that Organizations page is a detailed page of the Organization which you can even include things such as LinkedIn URL, Youtube URL etc.
    Detailed information about the Organization.

    Not to forget that Leads is also tie to an Organization. So technically you can work on Organization and consider it as a Lead too. I think they call it Account Based Marketing / Sales.

  • Tony Xavier
    Tony Xavier Pipedrive Team Posts: 192 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    100 Comments 25 Likes 5 Answers Second Anniversary

    Hi @BMAC,

    To add what Revve mentioned, if you have a custom field for Leads that is of an address type, it is currently expected that you would not be able to create a filter in the Leads Inbox with the address details like State/Province or Zip code.

    However, if you are storing the address within the linked Organisation or Contact Person of the Lead, you can use the Address(Detail) option in the filter section to create a filter based on factors like State/Province, etc:

    But I can understand if you are working with addresses within the Leads entity, this can be a limitation and I would suggest making a post in Ideas and Product Feedback so our product team is aware of the request.