Automation stop trigger @ reply-email in a campaign

LeonNL Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER

When using a campaign to attract leads to become a prospect customer it would be great if the campaign could be stopped when a leads/prospects starts to reply to the emails. If a campaign would continue after the lead/prospects replies as she/he is interested or convinced, any more emails could harm the fragile relationship and ruin the (potential) deal.

Some workarounds suggest to work with number of emails but not sure which emails are counted, if inbox, it would not work, if in campaign, it my be a workaround.

So in my view it is better to add a trigger/condition to the automation options that would stop a next email being sent in the ongoing campaign at the time a reply to one of the emails in that same campaign arrives. I guess a no-reply-email-condition after a x-number-of-days-trigger-after-last-email would work nicely.

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