Discount and Additional Discount fields have opposite/ inconsistent signs

FilippoPB Member Posts: 9 VERIFIED MEMBER
First Comment Photogenic 5 Up Votes Name Dropper
edited April 22 in Sales CRM #1

Hey Pipedrive,

The Discount on a product is positive, and a negative discount works as a surcharge.
However, the Additional Discount is displayed as negative, and surcharges are displayed as "double negative":

Our clients are complaining about our quotes, so we are having to change them manually.
Ideally, every discount should be displayed as negative, and every surcharge should be positive, but they at least should have consistent signs. Please help!



  • Andreia Costa
    Andreia Costa Pipedrive Team Posts: 170 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    100 Comments Third Anniversary 5 Answers Pipedrive Team

    Hey @FilippoPB 👋

    This is strange, I can't seem to be able to reproduce this, it could be something within the template or something that we're missing, but on my side here, the discounts all appear as a negative and I can't reproduce the rest. Have you reached out to the Support team? I suspect that something in there is not right, if you haven't contacted Support, please do so! They can help investigate what is happening