My business is growing, how can I get in touch with a Pipedrive's sales/support people?

DiegoMorales Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER

Hello everyone.

I'm already a user and I want to ask some doubts specific to my business's needs. I've been trying to contact Pipedrive's sales team by emaling them (also AI chat) but couldn't find a good answer so I can decide to proceed buying a better plan.

So basically I would like to find where should I head to get some help. Ultimately I would like to have a meeting with Pipedrive.


  • Reeve Lui
    Reeve Lui Member Posts: 59 VERIFIED MEMBER
    10 Comments First Anniversary First Answer 5 Likes

    @DiegoMorales Hi there, I happen to be a Pipedrive partner and might be able to help you. It means I am an authorised "Reseller" for Pipedrive.

    Can you tell me more about what are your concerns? I'm happy to help.