Reordering of email addresses / set primary email address

Jonathan Gennick
Jonathan Gennick Member Posts: 87 VERIFIED MEMBER
Fifth Anniversary 25 Likes 10 Comments 5 Up Votes

It is common for me to obtain an email address upon initial contact with a prospect only to later be given a different and preferred email. Then I must manually copy and paste email addresses in the UI to get them into the proper ordering so that the preferred email is on top. Sometimes I have three or four emails for a prospect and must shuffle them in this manner. Could functionality be added to allow me to either reorder the addresses or to designate a primary address? It is essential to have the client's preferred address be either first in the list or somehow otherwise designated in a way that will be picked up by the group email feature and the automations.

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  • Sharon_69510
    Sharon_69510 Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Second Anniversary First Comment

    Couldn't agree more - when did this happen? Before i export, the heading of the field is Person-Email - when i export, it is broken down into 'Person - Email - Work/Person - Email - Home/ Person - Email - Other' and i have to manually move them all into the 1 column if i want to mail them all at the same time.

    Short of paying someone to go through my 75,000 clients to arrange their primary email to be all in the 1 field, i have no idea what to do.

  • Jonathan Gennick
    Jonathan Gennick Member Posts: 87 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Just today I had a prospect come back to me with a different work email address that he prefers that I use. The pain of having to paste in the new address, add a third address, copy the first address, paste the first into the third, delete the first so as to make the second now the top address — that's as painful for me to do as it is for you to read about.

  • Jonas Rajanto
    Jonas Rajanto Member Posts: 14 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    I was very surprised to notice today that email addresses cannot be reordered / primary email address cannot be set in Pipedrive. This seems like an obvious need to avoid emailing the wrong addresses.

    One solution could be that the first email labeled "Work" is the primary email address. Of course needs may vary, which is why setting a "primary" email seems logical.

    Pipedirve, please address this.

  • Jonathan Gennick
    Jonathan Gennick Member Posts: 87 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Fifth Anniversary 25 Likes 10 Comments 5 Up Votes

    For me, it's not as simple as assuming work is primary. And I must say that this issue has been a small thorn for me throughout my years now of using Pipedrive. I've mentioned it now and then to support, and nothing gets done. It's a small thing. Probably not enough people complain, so they don't prioritize it. My having to manually reorder email addresses is a weekly and often a daily occurrence. It is common for me to make contact via LinkedIn, have an email from a person's profile, then be given a different email address to use.