Connect an activity to multiple deals and Connect an email to multiple deals

We need urgent development assistance from you!
Pretty often, we have multiple deals with a company. Negotiation runs typically with the same person or team, so we discuss multiple deals parallelly, both via phone calls, meetings, and also emails. It is an unnecessary and huge administrative struggle to create and copy the same activity note to every single deal.
It is also not acceptable to not be able to attach an email to a deal just because it is already attached to another deal. We can not force our customers to write a separate email in connection with every deal. Also, customers would think that we are stupid if we would send 5 infos in 5 separate emails within a few seconds, just because they belong to separate deals.
Therefore, we (as many of us) need urgently the opportunity to:
- Connect an activity to multiple deals
- attach an email to multiple deals