Segment products by their variations

Gustavo Freire
Gustavo Freire Member Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
First Comment Name Dropper

I'd be glad if we could segment the product by their variations, like the example hele below:

1 votes

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  • Pedro Manuel Gonçalves Franco
    Pedro Manuel Gonçalves Franco Pipedrive Team Posts: 94 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    First Answer Third Anniversary 25 Likes Pipedrive Team

    Hi @Gustavo Freire !

    Interesting use case. I will forward it to the Insights team. Also, is it possible to tell what is the main use case in your business for product variations, and if there are other product variations related feedback you would like to forward?

  • Gustavo Freire
    Gustavo Freire Member Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
    First Comment Name Dropper

    Hello @Pedro Manuel Gonçalves Franco!

    My business work with 4 type of products, each one have some subgroups with their small variations. If this feature get added I could have a better vision about the results, looking by those subgroups and the total result. If still any doubt about it, please let me know.

    Thank you!

  • Pedro Manuel Gonçalves Franco
    Pedro Manuel Gonçalves Franco Pipedrive Team Posts: 94 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    First Answer Third Anniversary 25 Likes Pipedrive Team

    Hi @Gustavo Freire ,

    As an update you can check the newest Products Performance Report (this post from Kulli).

    The screenshot you have sent above (segmenting by variation + view by product) will be possible 👍

    If you have more use-cases related to products, feel free to send.