Skip Automation when skipping a stage

giniiii Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
edited June 2024 in Workflow Automation #1

Hi there,

I got the following problem: I've stage 1, 2, 3

When I move a deal to one of the stages an activitiy is created by an automation.
Now if a deal skips for example stage 2, I don't want the activity from stage 2 to be created. how can I do this?





  • Reeve Lui
    Reeve Lui Member Posts: 59 VERIFIED MEMBER
    10 Comments First Anniversary First Answer 5 Likes


    Hey there, I think your automation should be based on stages.
    - Stage 1 = Automation 1
    - Stage 2 = Automation 2
    - Stage 3 = Automation 3

    So if it never hit Stage 2, the Automation 2 will not take effect