Will AI Demolish SEO ?

globalgigde2 Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
edited June 20 in Business Talk #1

The question "Will AI demolish SEO?" reflects my curiosity about the future of search engine optimization in the context of rapidly advancing artificial intelligence technologies. I am interested in understanding whether AI will make traditional SEO practices irrelevant or significantly alter how they are implemented. Specifically, I want to explore how AI might change the ways websites are ranked, how content is created and optimized, and whether the core principles of SEO will still hold value in the future.


  • Nikolai Sokolov
    Nikolai Sokolov Member Posts: 123 VERIFIED MEMBER
    100 Comments Third Anniversary 25 Likes 5 Up Votes

    I suggest subscribing to Neil Patel's newsletter (neilpatel.com) - he goes into deep analysis on how AI will change SEO and what to do with it. In short: AI will definitely change the SEO game and yes, ranking is a gamble, as the latest google leak showed.

  • daniel kick
    daniel kick Member Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
    First Comment

    The game is about to change really!

  • Nikolai Sokolov
    Nikolai Sokolov Member Posts: 123 VERIFIED MEMBER
    100 Comments Third Anniversary 25 Likes 5 Up Votes

    Yep, welcome to SearchGPT and super biased AI assistants :)

  • Betsycrant
    Betsycrant Member Posts: 2 NEW MEMBER
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    I wouldn't say AI is going to demolish SEO. Sure, AI is changing the game with more intelligent algorithms and better data analysis, but it's more about evolving how we approach SEO rather than replacing it. AI can help refine strategies and make things more efficient but still needs human creativity and insight. SEO will always require that personal touch and strategic thinking that AI can't fully replicate.