Formatting for Pipeline Title View?

ChristianHansen Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER

Hi Team- I know this may or may not be a possibility, but I thought it would be helpful to pass on to your developers for consideration. I have many stages in my pipeline that Im developing, and I have 4-5 words describing each to help me keep track. But with so many stages on one screen, the titles are cramped and abbreviated… and I can't see the full title of the pipeline stage. Is it possible to format the titles of the pipeline stages so they can include multiple lines? Or maybe there is another way to offer formatted text, like a smaller font subtitle.

The Deal Titles in each of the stages offer different formatting to delineate between titles, and people names, and I think the same could be done for the Pipeline Stage Titles.

That would be a huge help for me- and if you can pass it up the chain that would be great!

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