Pipedrive for insurance Agents - looking for solutions to calculate a commission

DomKas Member Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
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edited July 2024 in Sales CRM #1


We have just started testing out Pipedrive to see if it will meet our requirements, but I'm already seeing some limitations and looking for a solution / workaround (that wouldn't require using Zapier).

So let say we want to sell a car insurance, which consists of 3 parts:
1. Damages to your car
2. Damages to other cars, people or things
3. Damages to the people inside your car

Each part has a certain value and each part has a certain percentage based commission.

So what I did was:
- I created a product category: Car Insurance
- Added 3 test products for one insurance company
- added a custom field "Commission" along with a commission in decimals like 0.12 representing a 12% commission for each product

Then I added a deal and within a deal I added those 3 products and enter a value for each: 4,000, 700 and 300.

So here is a tricky part - since I have 3 products, sometimes with each having a different commission, how can I calculate a commission based on products' custom fields?

The easiest option would be to create a monetary custom field with a formula:

Sum of all (product price x product commission).

It cant be a fixed add product one + product two + product three, as sometimes there can be 2,3, or even 4 products.

Is it achievable in Pipedrive? I'm extremely surprised it's not straight forward- it would be the same to calculate a profit per product sold. As within a deal, you may be selling multiple products.

Thanks :)


  • Nikolai Sokolov
    Nikolai Sokolov Member Posts: 139 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Fourth Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Answers 25 Likes

    Hi @DomKas ! its not achievable in pipedrive directly, but we do a lot of this thru make. thats really easy, especially now, with webhooks available in workflow automations

  • Nikolai Sokolov
    Nikolai Sokolov Member Posts: 139 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    the general idea: trigger automation when its time to calculate commissions. in make, grab products (you can actually have a custom field with percentages attached to actual products) and do your math, then update a custom field commission with that value

  • DomKas
    DomKas Member Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    How come one of the most important part of sales process is still not included?

    Webhooks? you need an expert to work on it… no idea event where to start

  • Nikolai Sokolov
    Nikolai Sokolov Member Posts: 139 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    hi @DomKas i can offer you professional help with that if you're interested - we know what to do here. you'd need make.com account tho

  • Nikolai Sokolov
    Nikolai Sokolov Member Posts: 139 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    @DomKas actually, check out calculation fields available for deals - you might be able to pull this off with those, if the calculation is easy enough:

    • add monetary custom field
    • under the field type, there's a switch to add formula
    • add #Deal Value * your commission


  • Nikolai Sokolov
    Nikolai Sokolov Member Posts: 139 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    here's a screenshot illustrating an example:

  • DomKas
    DomKas Member Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    That's only useful if you don't have products.

  • Nikolai Sokolov
    Nikolai Sokolov Member Posts: 139 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    @DomKas I mentioned this formula being useful in "simple" cases. If you need complex calculations based on products with conditional logic, make.com is the way