Email campaigns "limited'?

This is somewhat surprising…and we’ve been unable to connect with support online…and then we discovered a PD Community thread here (seems to have been closed?)…
So…having read the thread, we're a little confused…
Background: 3+ years with PD, 83,000 contacts - multiple workflows/automations, some of which have Campaign templates embedded in order to have tracking of things like Opens and CTR.
So, we received your email "out of the blue" on Saturday…
"…We wanted to let you know that your company’s Campaigns account VETERINARYmoda has been limited by our compliance team and double opt-in is required for your contacts (reason: Poor campaign rates).
From now on, contacts without a confirmed double opt-in (“single opt-in” contacts) can’t receive email campaigns from you. This is to avoid any potential damage to Pipedrive Campaigns services…"
…which in itself was a little odd, but now the community commentary/thread and responses from PD seem to indicate that there are systemic PD issues with Campaigns (btw did anyone else receive this kind of email notification?), and online support is non-responsive.
What makes things a little hard to understand is that we only use PD worklflows, with Campaigns embedded, in the workflows for our BSB communications (21k contacts), but we also send a weekly email to the entire contact list of 83k via the platform where we get solid open and ctr rates and unsubs under 0.2% - so we struggle to understand why the account limitation was/is being applied on PD as delivery success rates on continue to succeed (we had a send today with the usual exceptional delivery rate).
So…we're struggling to figure out why this has been applied, and what data was used…it clearly now isn't just a few isolated accounts…and the lack of transparency, both internally and externally, doesn't reflect all of the company's published philosophies…
"…Customer obsession and fulfilling customer needs is at the heart of everything we do at Pipedrive.
Dominic Allon - Pipedrive CEO…"
So…what is the actual story, when is a good guesstimate as to a timeline for a resolution, and once this is resolved, will the current restrictions be lifted…and then perhaps a discussion on compensation…
Hey, @Community Team!
I would like to clarify that the issue you see on this thread is not a technical issue on our side but rather an issue involving third-party organizations dedicated to combating spam behavior, which was caused because certain users are conducting poor email marketing practice on data collection and list hygiene. The impact of this is that other users sharing the same email delivery domain have been blocked and are experiencing significantly higher bounce rates when using Campaigns.
We’re currently investigating this issue and taking action to prevent any further disruption to the Campaigns feature, and this includes working out which customers have such email addresses in their subscription lists and asking them to clean their email databases, which seems to have been the case here. For your account specifically, our team flagged that email marketing practice and quality of your email database were not meeting the requirements of our terms of usage.
That said, I can see you sent an email our way in the beginning of this week, which is queued for our Marketing App Verification team to handle. I will, however, send you a direct email so that we can go into further details.
Thank you.
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Well…that's just a non-answer…
"…we also send a weekly email to the entire contact list of 83k via the platform where we get solid open and ctr rates and unsubs under 0.2% - so we struggle to understand why the account limitation was/is being applied on PD as delivery success rates on continue to succeed (we had a send today with the usual exceptional delivery rate)…"We'd like to know the specific criteria and data to support this action.
Perhaps of greater concern is the ham-fisted and blunt manner of Pipedrive…an email out of the blue, no prior warning, and no response from support…and a week to get this response…so much for…
"…Customer obsession and fulfilling customer needs is at the heart of everything we do at Pipedrive.
Dominic Allon -
Pipedrive CEO…"
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"I would like to clarify that the issue you see on this thread is not a technical issue on our side but rather an issue involving third-party organizations dedicated to combating spam behavior, which was caused because certain users are conducting poor email marketing practice on data collection and list hygiene."
If that is the case, why are all our automations with a "send campaign" on the workflow getting errors?It's not like they are sent and they bounce, directly the automation gets an error and the campaign is not being sent. How isn't that a Pipedrive problem?
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So what is going on then? I'm trying to sell the benefits of PD Campaigns to my bosses and this bizarre lockdown of everything whilst someone somewhere has decided to wear their "Moral Marketing" hat is making it difficult to answer questions like "Why don't we just use Mailchimp, Hubspot etc etc etc"
C'mon guys, lets get this resolved, I've used you in a previous life and it was never this bloomin' complicated….1 -
Hello @Community Team, we are in the same situation..! Pipedrive requests us to unsubscribe 60 % of our contacts database (based on contacts who are emailed once or twice a year) and did not open an email in the last 6 months. We are indeed reasonable in the number of communications we send.
I keep on getting the same answers from the support team (6th person in a week for the same thread) walking in circles…
Did you manage to walk through a solution with Pipedrive please ?0