Sandbox, Production parity

cloudteam Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
edited July 2024 in Sales CRM #1

We are trying to use the sandbox to prove out potential configuration changes we would make in our production instance of pipedrive. Is there a way we can make the sandbox have the same featureset as our production instance? For example, we can setup visibility groups in the sandbox. Thanks for your help.


  • Leonardo Zimmermann
    Leonardo Zimmermann Pipedrive Team Posts: 159 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    Third Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Answers 5 Likes
    edited July 2024 #2

    Hey, @cloudteam!

    Your sandbox environment needs to be created by you and your team, and your Sandbox's plan can always match what you have on your paying account.

    I was checking internally and noticed that your Sandbox is not matching your paying plan, so I raised a request internally to have this adjusted and you should already be able to see all the functionalities you have on your paying account on your Sandbox account as well :)

    I hope this helps.

  • Suleiman Sethi
    Suleiman Sethi Member Posts: 2 NEW MEMBER
    First Comment

    For the same purpose I want to use Sandbox, but is there a possibility to get Data from the Actual Pipedrive account (when I say data I am referring to actual copy of organizations, people, custom fields, etc. all data as it is), so I can test new features in my tool before pushing it to actual production, is that possible?