Cancel the campaigns add-on during trial period

Mikey_Boy2RTR Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
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Hi all,
I understand that PD is a money generating entity and all that BUT my company (an existing user of PD) decided to try the Campaigns add on and unfortunately I didn't see that there were problems with the platform until it was too late.
The issue that I have is that of course, they have my payment details for the main plan and now, once my trial period expires (in 15 days) they will automatically start collecting for the campaigns add on.
I no longer need it but I CANNOT for the life of me find where I turn the add on off so that payment won't be taken.
Everything points to needing to speak to Customer service but of course that just results in a Bot and a generic "We are really busy, we'll let you know when we can answer your question" kind of response.
Does anyone know of an easy way to unsubscribe from an add on during the trial period?
If I search the knowledge base, as soon as I mention unsubscribe, the search engine thinks that I'm talking about customers unsubscribing from email lists….
Any help gratefully received.

Best Answer

  • Tony Xavier
    Tony Xavier Pipedrive Team Posts: 213 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    Third Anniversary 25 Answers 100 Comments 25 Likes
    #2 Answer ✓

    Hello @Mikey_Boy2RTR,

    We are sorry to hear about your experience. Our support team is currently facing a higher volume of conversations and hence the delayed respones.

    Regarding your question, you can remove the add-on from your subscription anytime by going into the Manage Add-ons section ( and simply removing Campaigns. Please ensure once you have removed the add-on, you confirm all your changes by completing the subscription update. We hope this helps.

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