Make Contact/Organization label apply to deal via automation

Boppa Member Posts: 49 VERIFIED MEMBER
10 Comments 5 Likes 5 Up Votes Name Dropper
edited July 2024 in Workflow Automation #1

Hi guys,

As always, love your work.

We have a situation where if a particular customer is a nightmare, we apply the label "Nightmare" to them. But if a new deal comes off, this is not obvious to our staff, and we want that same "Nightmare" label to apply to the deal via Automation? Possible?

This is but one example of cross-entity (Company/Contact/Deal) automations we would like to apply.



Best Answer

  • Sophie
    Sophie Pipedrive Team Posts: 207 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    Third Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Answers 5 Likes
    #2 Answer ✓

    Hi @Boppa,

    I created an example automation of how you can move the "Nightmare" Label from the person contacts to the deal! Here are the steps I took-

    1. Set the automation trigger to be "deal created" Then when a deal is created, the automation will start
    2. Create an action step for "person"- Update a random person field that you don't use. You can choose any field that you dont use (or create a new custom field like I did) and have it add random data, in my example I added: "-". The reason for this is to introduce person fields into the automation (Otherwise you will only see deal field options because the trigger is for a deal).
    3. Create a condition- Tell the automation to only continue if the contact label is "Nightmare" (Or in my example" Villian")
    4. Create an action step for the deal- Tell the automation to add the "Nightmare" data to the label field on the deal!

    I hope this helps!


  • Boppa
    Boppa Member Posts: 49 VERIFIED MEMBER
    10 Comments 5 Likes 5 Up Votes Name Dropper

    It certainly does help - works great! Thank you.