Settings sharing proposal

I’d like to start by saying that CRM is a collaborative tool, but Pipedrive seems to have a life of its own. When a new employee starts, it takes 4-8 hours to set up the CRM.
I propose adding the ability to share configurations for:
- Navigation menu settings (which tools to show and in what order).
- Hiding onboarding prompts and marketing promotions, etc.
- Email and calendar settings.
- Display field settings.
The first three points can be forgiven, but configuring the displayed fields in the contact, lead, deal, and organization lists is extremely important. A new user should see exactly what other users see!
Let me explain. On the contact list, there is a column labeled 'Name.' I personally don’t see the point of it and don’t understand why it can’t be removed. This field cannot be sorted correctly, and users need to be instructed on the order (first name, then last name). The order of first name and last name varies across different countries, and people often make mistakes!
This proposal would reduce the onboarding time for new users by at least one working day, as all users currently have to read the documentation before using Pipedrive, even though it is only necessary for admins.
Please add the ability to share configuration settings to reduce the time and cost of onboarding new users.