Filtering on People that I Follow

timrodman Member Posts: 2 NEW MEMBER
edited August 2024 in Sales CRM #1

Does anyone know if it's possible to add a criteria to a Filter that says to only show me People that I follow?

I'm currently looking at a Filter, but I don't see any options that would allow this. My Filter has an address like this:

Our Pipedrive has over 18,000 people in it, but I only want to see the ones that I care about.

I can't use Owner because I'm not the Owner (nor will I ever be) on all of the People that I want to see.

The Follow feature is perfect for "flagging" the People that I want to see, but I want to add additional Filter criteria and have multiple Filters, multiple ways to "slice and dice" the People that I care about.

That's why it would be perfect if I could somehow add something like "I Follow Them" to the criteria on a Filter.

Does anyone have any ideas about a way to accomplish this?



  • Sophie
    Sophie Pipedrive Team Posts: 204 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    Third Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Answers 5 Likes

    Hi @timrodman,

    At the moment, this is a bit of a limitation as it is not possible to filter for items that you follow and it is also not possible to export a list of items you follow. However, if you reach out to our support team, you can request a custom report that will contain a list of items that you follow (With the System IDs)!

    Once you have this data exported, you can edit your spreadsheet outside of Pipedrive and add a column for a new custom field or label that will highlight the items you follow. Then you can re-import this data into your account and map this new column to a custom field or label in Pipedrive. Once you do this, all of the items you follow will have a unique label or custom field so you can use filters in Pipedrive to isolate the items you follow!

    Additionally, you can also view the items that you follow from the user overview section in your account-

    I hope this helps!