Total Clicks Incorrectly Labelled as Unique

I would like to know the no. of unique clicks on each link. However in Link Performance section in Email Campaigns, clicks on each links are stated to be unique clicks & % of unique clicks, but this is not the case. It is stated that multiple links received over 300 unique clicks - but they're actually total as it exceeds the amount of unique clicks for the entire email (see attached). Is there a way of knowing the actual unique clicks on these links as I'd like to match it to traffic in GA.
Please fix.
Hey, @Holly_MElec!
Allow me to clarify a few things.
Unique clicks is the number of contacts who clicked on links inside your campaign. Total clicks, on the other hand, show the total times a link was clicked, as contacts can click a link several times. You can read more about this here.
In other words, total clicks will show you how many times (in total) a link was clicked on by every contacts that received the Campaign, while unique clicks will show you all the contacts that clicked on the link.
If there was a confusion with terms, then I hope this clarifies it. In case you see values on your side that do not match, on the other hand, than this would have to be reviewed by our Support Team.
I hope this helps :)