Filter History should include WHO last edited it

Josh Monifi
Josh Monifi Member Posts: 109 VERIFIED MEMBER
Fourth Anniversary 25 Up Votes Photogenic First Comment

We ran into an issue today where some filters were changed, and were not able to see WHO made the changes. The filter editing window shows who made the filter and when it was last edited, but it does not tell you WHO made that most recent change. This would be helpful to know!

1 votes

Submitted · Last Updated


  • Andreia Costa
    Andreia Costa Pipedrive Team Posts: 170 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    100 Comments Third Anniversary 5 Answers Pipedrive Team

    Hello @Josh Monifi 👋

    Thank you for sharing your feedback, it's super valid! We don't have a changelog for filters that would allow for that visibility so I understand how this can be helpful.

    Just leaving a message here to mention that if there's any change made to any item and it's not visible within Pipedrive UI, it's always possible that our Engineering team might be able to help with that, so don't hesitate to reach out to our Support if needed.
