Notifications pop-up inconveniently on top of save button

When I'm editing products of a deal or a note in Pipedrive, the save button of that editing window is located in the right bottom corner - exactly where notifications pop up if you have them on. This results in misclicks - you are about to click save, but notification pops up in the last second taking you to colleague's most recent work. You also lose all the info you were trying to save.
I need to have the notifications on, so inactivating them is not an option. Is there any solution to this problem?
Hi @Kristiina Jääskeläinen our product team investigated this and found that it occurs on smaller screen sizes due to the size of the notification interface. If you change the zoom level or use a screen of a different size, notifications will no longer obstruct the save button.
I have moved your question to the feedback section so other users can comment and upvote, and we can better understand if there is more similar feedback on this matter.