Soon in Insights: Product revenue forecast report

Külli Kruusla
Külli Kruusla Pipedrive Team Posts: 36 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
25 Likes Name Dropper 10 Comments Second Anniversary
edited September 16 in What's New #1

To better support our customers who have subscription businesses, we are starting a release for a new report type called product revenue forecast report. The report will be available for companies on Advanced plan and onwards. The report can be found under Add new → Revenue forecast → Product revenue forecast.

The new report type helps project the revenue coming from one-time products, recurring products and payment schedules. This report type takes into account all deals that have products attached to them and showcases the revenue expected from the individual products according to the set product billing start date and frequency. NB! this report type does not take into account deals that have no products attached to them.

We will start the release on 16th of September and aim to finish it by mid of October.