Ability to Access ALL Leads From a Contact and Include More Info in Search Results

Our business gets repeat customers who fill out our lead forms multiple times throughout the year for the same service. Incredibly, there is no way to access ALL of a specific customers leads (both open and archived) from the customer contact page. The only leads that are accessible are the OPEN leads. Take for example this customer. If my agent needed to see the circumstances surrounding the archived lead and why it didn't move forward, they would not be able to.
Currently the only way to access an archived lead is to search for it in the title bar. Unfortunately, this comes with additional challenges. The search does not provide any information as to which customer it is, such as the email or phone of the contact, or if the status of the lead lead is open or archived. As you can imagine, the combination of these two lacking features makes it EXTREMELY difficult for our sales reps to quickly be able to understand the history of the customer, and potentially why they chose not to move forward in the past. In many cases, doing this in a timely manner while the customer has phoned in is impossible.
In the case of Luis Cespedes above - one of these leads in the search is archived, one is not.
Now imagine having 10 John Smiths, each with 2-3 leads. Instead of just two as listed above, there could be 30 leads titled John Smith. Some archived, some not, appearing in the search results, and with no person information associated with them so you can see which belong to who. Without going one by one it is impossible to determine which leads belong to the John Smith you're looking for.
As time goes on, and we continue to generate a high volume of leads, this is creating a larger and larger strain on our business operations.
Please improve this functionality as soon as possible. All the other features aside, it's IMPERATIVE that we can find all associated leads with a contact. Last but not least, when a deal is created, the original lead time should be logged so that it's possible to determine when the lead was created, not just turned into a deal. This is extremely important for many reasons, but compliance is definitely a big one!
Thank you