List of recent or favorite email addresses

Thomas.Dahl Member Posts: 30 VERIFIED MEMBER
10 Comments Photogenic
edited October 2024 in Ideas and Product Feedback #1

Is there any way to make the pipe drive email feature more useful? Is some way of linking it to a more professional web-based email platform?

One of my biggest gripes with the Pipedrive implementation is the fact that you don't have favorites when it comes to the addresses of people that you want to send an email to. I have hundreds of thousands of people in my pipe drive. If I want to send an email to one of them, it does a quick search based on a few keystrokes.  This ends up with usually the wrong people. As an example let's say I want to send an email to Bill. I write emails to him quite often. I can't remember exactly how Bill's email address looks, so I simply type the word Bill. If Bill was available as a favorite, he would come up on the list.  What actually happens is I get a list of Bills and none of them are the right one.  I understand that this would probably mean a change within pipe drive where contacts can also be labeled as favorites. 

As it stands now, I have to go to an external email client, keep emails open, and then copy and paste people's email addresses into the Pipedrive email. Alternatively, I have to open a second pipe drive window and then start accessing my contacts and searching for the bill I'm looking for. When it might take me 20 seconds to write an email to Bill, it takes me another 30 seconds to find the Bill I'm looking for. 

Failing that, a list of the most recent people I sent an email to would be useful. I tend to send about 70% of our emails to the same 20 people. These are people within our company, there are people that manufacture things for us and so on.  I have to go through the same painful procedure to find their email addresses. 

These sort of features are fairly common within email clients. They are also extremely important to efficient workflow. and they are simply missing in pipe drive. 

Another annoying feature of pipedrive is that as you step through your emails and delete the ones that are obviously spam it stops you seeing the previews when you delete it. It should be possible to delete an email within the preview and then automatically go to the next email. This is very time-consuming.  As most people, I go through my list of incoming emails on a periodic basis, deleting and linking and moving emails as I go. Being able to step through email previews and deleting them as I go is a very important efficiency ability.

Another feature that's missing is the ability to send emails to spam or a blacklist. Seriously, in this day and age, this is missing? 

I could go on, but there's a lot of other features missing within the email function. 

Could Pipedrive please try to update the capabilities of emails? 

2 votes

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  • Manuel Oliveira
    Manuel Oliveira Admin Posts: 1,363 COMMUNITY MANAGER
    1000 Comments 250 Likes 25 Answers Third Anniversary

    Hi @Thomas.Dahl thank you for your feedback! I have moved it to the Product Feedback category so that it can be noted by our product team, and also upvoted by other users.

  • Thomas.Dahl
    Thomas.Dahl Member Posts: 30 VERIFIED MEMBER
    10 Comments Photogenic
    edited October 2024 #3

    Thank you Manuel,

    Another feature to consider would be the ability to attach files to emails that are already stored in Pipedrive. Right now I need to download the files from Pipedrive to my hard disk and then attach them. Seems a shame as they are already in PD..

    In fact the whole file managemnt functionality could be imporved as It would be great to have access to "common" files that are used time and time again such as Brochures, Pictures etc. This should save a lot of space at Pipedrive.

    I could go on..

    Regards Thomas