Automating Timezone Labeling for Clients?

SellMeThisPen Member Posts: 4 VERIFIED MEMBER
First Comment
edited October 2024 in Workflow Automation #1


I currently mark my clients on the deals list based on their time zones and manually apply labels (such as PST/CST/MST/EST/etc) according to the location of the business which I'm contacting. This process is quite time-consuming. Is there a way to automate this process? Specifically, I am looking for a method to automatically identify the timezone of each client based on their location and apply the corresponding label.

Any suggestions or solutions would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!



  • Jonathan Gennick
    Jonathan Gennick Member Posts: 88 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    This would be a nice feature. I work with clients worldwide and often have to google their city name to check on their time zone. Maybe it could be a computed field that we could add.

  • SellMeThisPen
    SellMeThisPen Member Posts: 4 VERIFIED MEMBER
    First Comment

    That would be an immense time-saver. The location field is already there, so it sounds like a relatively easy automation. Quickly saves like at least half an hour depending on the number of deals. Would love for something like that to be available.

  • Tony Xavier
    Tony Xavier Pipedrive Team Posts: 193 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    I thought I could provide a possible workaround here if you have a predetermined number of timezones you work with using Pipedrive's automation feature.

    For each timezone, you will need to set an automation that checks the state/region of the deal matches the criteria and then have it update the timezone accordingly. I can share an example automation setup here:

    In the above automation, it checks if the state addresses added to the deal are any of the following, and if it is, then the automation will update the timezone accordingly.

    Based on your workflow (when exactly you will add the address and to which entity, like deal, person, organisation etc), you can edit the trigger.

    As I mentioned this would only be viable if you have a set of predetermined number of timezones or most commonly used timezones. I hope this helps :)

  • Jonathan Gennick
    Jonathan Gennick Member Posts: 88 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    @Tony Xavier an interesting idea. I will have to look to see whether the time zone lines in the U.S. are all on state boundaries. I deal with people worldwide, but it might be an interesting experiment to target just the most common regions.

  • Jonathan Gennick
    Jonathan Gennick Member Posts: 88 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    One aspect that your proposed solution doesn't cover is that it's not real time. It's the delta that matter more than the time zone name itself. For example: the UK is five hours from me, except when it is four hours different from my local time. An ideal solution would show the time delta in terms of hours at the moment that I'm viewing the data.

  • Member Posts: 34 VERIFIED MEMBER
    10 Comments 5 Likes Name Dropper First Answer
    edited November 2024 #7


    We didn’t find much success using workflow automations for this, so we’ve built our own simple data pipeline to handle it.
    We don’t use Make, Zapier, or any other third-party integration tools. I’ve documented this on our blog:

    Happy to hear your thoughts — and ping me at if you want to talk about it!
