Alexander Member Posts: 9 VERIFIED MEMBER
First Anniversary Photogenic First Comment
edited October 2024 in Ideas and Product Feedback #1

Edit: I'm referring to the pop-ups regarding webinars, feedback, surveys, etc. (not to the "activity" pop-ups which are actually very helpful).

I'm trying to work. Do you people not understand that?! I don't need to see daily pop-ups about things that don't matter. Why is there no way to opt-out of these? Also, these pop-ups can't even be filtered using uBlock Origin!

3 votes

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  • Josh Monifi
    Josh Monifi Member Posts: 143 VERIFIED MEMBER
    250 Up Votes Fourth Anniversary 25 Likes 10 Comments

    Hey @Alexander I am thinking you have this setting turned on, which you might want to turn off.

    I agree, it is pretty distracting, and sometimes I click on the notification by mistake and lose my work! But also helpful because sometimes I catch a User doing something incorrectly :)

  • Alexander
    Alexander Member Posts: 9 VERIFIED MEMBER
    First Anniversary Photogenic First Comment

    Thank you for your response, Josh, but the "activity" pop-ups are not the ones to which I'm referring (those "activity" pop-ups are actually very useful and I keep them enabled). I'm talking about the pop-ups pertaining to webinars, feedback, surveys, and all of that other junk which is simply distracting.

  • Joep Cuppens
    Joep Cuppens Member Posts: 12 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Fourth Anniversary Name Dropper First Comment Photogenic

    @Alexander ,

    Same here, I received the following popup several times and was kind enough to answer the questions.

    We are a paying customer with three different accounts. The questions in this survey do not pertain to "help us customize Pipedrive to better suit your specific needs". The questions are border line a US political poll/survey.

    If Pipedrive really wants to improve or "customize" the product just implement some of the requests that have been mentioned in this community for years.

    Are we the product or the customer?

  • wonders
    wonders Member Posts: 54 VERIFIED MEMBER
    25 Likes 10 Comments 5 Up Votes First Anniversary

    I agree. Pipedrive doesn't need to know anyone's political opinions, nor does it matter what each of our concerns are for the economy. They need to focus on developing a better product, period. Pipedrive is rapidly being outpaced by the competition faster than a snail in a 100-metter dash and here they are click baiting us with what appears to be a survey to help improve the service, just to be mislead into some political survey BS. SMH.. They should be ashamed of themselves.