Automatic lead archiving

snovic Member Posts: 4 VERIFIED MEMBER
First Comment
edited October 2024 in Sales CRM #1

Hi everyone,
I'm new to Pipedrive and to be honest I'm also a bit new to using a CRM.

I used to use Hubspot but switched to Pipedrive as it was far too complex.

Before, on Hubspot to create automated email sequences, I simply had to create a dynamic list of contacts based on criteria (for example, the source) and once the contacts matching the criteria arrived in the list, I checked ‘all’ and then I applied the correct email sequence.

With Pipedrive, I don't think it's quite as straightforward. For one thing, I find it hard to tell the difference between the contacts box and the leads box. Anyway, I've created an automation that triggers the email sequence when a new lead with a specific label is detected.

From now on, at the end of the sequence, if it hasn't produced anything, I want to archive the lead automatically so that I don't have a list of leads as long as my arm that doesn't produce anything.

Could you point me in the right direction?

Or maybe you'll tell me that I'm not thinking properly, but in any case I'd like your help or advice.
Thank you very much


