Splitting the Value of one Deal for several months

Lia Moon
Lia Moon Member Posts: 2 NEW MEMBER

I often deal with a problem when a duration of my deal is more than a month, but all the value is counted for one specific month. So I can't plan Goals correctly.

So it would be great if, after winning a Deal, Value could be splited into several months.

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  • Evelin Kivioja
    Evelin Kivioja Pipedrive Team Posts: 5 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    First Comment

    If you will start adding product to your deals and add product with suitable billing frequency and then use product revenue forecast you could actually see deals value split into month/week etc.

  • Evelin Kivioja
    Evelin Kivioja Pipedrive Team Posts: 5 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    First Comment

    You can start adding products with suitable billing frequency to your product and then use product revenue forecast to track it monthly/weekly etc.