Updating CUSTOM Lead Fields Left Initially Blank

Ahmed Haque
Ahmed Haque Member Posts: 6 NEW MEMBER
First Comment

I must be a dolt — but man is it a cosmic pain to update basic things on the lead view in this CRM. So frustrating!

As far as I can tell — if I create a lead and do not supply a set of custom fields for it in the creation, I cannot update it in the future. The option

Like great. I can see that only 1/5 field values is available. But I can't go in and add them?

Is that for real???

Do people just avoid the lead inbox at all costs????



  • Helio
    Helio Pipedrive Team Posts: 109 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    Fourth Anniversary 100 Comments First Answer 5 Likes

    Hello @Ahmed Haque,

    I hope you are doing well today!

    My name is Hélio and I am part of the support team.

    I just tested it on my end and was able to update the custom field for existing leads in the Leads Inbox. Here's an example: [click to view].

    Are you following a different process? You should be able to add data to custom fields, even for leads that have already been created. If you're still encountering issues, I recommend reaching out to us through an official support channel so we can assist you further.

    To get in touch with our support team, click on the question mark in the top right corner of your Pipedrive account and click Talk to us! You will also see your support chat history if you have previously reached out to support. 

  • Ahmed Haque
    Ahmed Haque Member Posts: 6 NEW MEMBER
    First Comment

    My fields are in groups and for some reason the only ones that are editable are the ones that were initially populated when the lead was first corrected.

    I've ultimately just moved all my lead fields back into person and called it a day… But it's definitely unintuitive…

  • Helio
    Helio Pipedrive Team Posts: 109 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    Fourth Anniversary 100 Comments First Answer 5 Likes

    This doesn’t seem to be the expected behavior. I tested by creating a set of custom fields and grouping them, and I was able to edit all of them in older leads created before the custom fields were added.

    You can see my example here: [click to view].

    That said, I strongly recommend reaching out to our support team via chat so we can troubleshoot this further and identify the root cause.