Editing a Product's Price

inRidgefield Member Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
Second Anniversary First Comment Photogenic
edited January 13 in Sales CRM #1

I always find the navigation for things really hidden. It is usually hidden under My Icon > Account > Company Setting > Maybe data field or maybe not. I get crazy frustrated at how non-intuitive it is. Especiallyu if it's something aI rarely use.

For example, I set up a product and I cannot find where to edit the price. Every other field is editable right in my product list, except for price.


  • Josh Buesking
    Josh Buesking Member Posts: 244 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited January 11 #2

    There's a gear icon and you can customize the field list and add the unit price to the list.

  • inRidgefield
    inRidgefield Member Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Second Anniversary First Comment Photogenic

    Thanks, Josh. I was looking to change the price of an existing item. I finally figured out what I was looking for and true to form the answer makes no sense. As I look at my list of products, all of the fields can be edited by clicking on the little pencil icon. ALL OF THEM - except for the price. Why? I don't know. ——So you have to click on the actual product name so that it underlines and then a new window opens up with all of the fields including the price. You can change the price there. Not sure why they make it so convoluted. But that's the answer if anyone is ever looking to change a price for an existing product. Whether I'll remember that in a year? I'm not sure, I'll have to start a note and hope I remember that I have a note about the price changing process. Weird.

  • Josh Buesking
    Josh Buesking Member Posts: 244 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    You can customize the columns in the product list to show unit price then edit it just like the rest of the column fields.

    Default view just doesn't show unit price. Click on the gear icon and you can add whatever columns you'd like.

  • Josh Buesking
    Josh Buesking Member Posts: 244 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    I use their API and it's linked to my accounting software so when I change anything in my accounting software it automatically updates the product in pipedrive. I use the pipedrive product user interface very little.