Organization Separate City, State and Zip

None of the lists we receive from vendors or associations to import have the addresses of street, city, state and zip. They always come as separate fields. Having them all combined like Pipedrive does it leaves too many chances for error in entry especially in the U.S. state abbreviations.
I know we can add a custom state field to the organization, but Google Maps only looks for the Pipedrive combined address. Therefor when we try and use the "Show nearby organizations within a certain radius" feature on Google maps it never shows any results. This is a real problem for regional reps who are trying to set travel appointments in a geographically effective. At the very least, is there a way to have Google Maps search on all the Zip Codes? That would help tremendously.
Hello @resultsguy,
Could you contact our support team directly with some examples so that we can look into details on possible options to help you with the geocoding of your addresses? Thank you!