Organizations Revenue - Why ????

Leoscard Member Posts: 2 NEW MEMBER
edited January 24 in Sales CRM #1

My post reflects a certain frustration.

While exploring sales strategies, I decided to map clients based on a specific revenue threshold to add tags and develop strategies according to their purchase history, segment, etc. However, to my surprise, this turned out to be almost IMPOSSIBLE (I was only able to do it because I received a report extracted by the pipeline team).

That being said, anyone looking to list clients by revenue or earnings would face challenges. I wonder—why isn’t such an important and relevant piece of data more easily accessible? Is it just me, or is anyone else facing the same issue?


  • Josh Buesking
    Josh Buesking Member Posts: 240 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Fourth Anniversary 100 Likes 100 Comments 5 Answers
    edited January 24 #2

    My accounting software does that part, I feel that would be more accurate anyway because that's where the revenue is actually reconciled.