I am a global admin on acct, why do I get an "Importing Items Permission" notice

TWOpass Member Posts: 4 NEW MEMBER
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I am just getting my outside sale team onto Pipedrive. Why am I not permitted to import contacts from iPhone to Pipedrive?


Best Answer

  • Tony Xavier
    Tony Xavier Pipedrive Team Posts: 202 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    25 Answers 100 Comments 25 Likes Second Anniversary
    edited February 17 #2 Answer ✓

    Hello @TWOpass,

    The easiest way to fix this permission issue would be to enable the import data permission for the user group. You can do it from here: https://app.pipedrive.com/settings/permissions and I can share an example here:


  • TWOpass
    TWOpass Member Posts: 4 NEW MEMBER
    First Comment

    Thanks. I'm grateful for your response. I think that resolved the issue. It seems like they would not specifically mention "from spreadsheet" for that permission setting since I am importing from the mobile app.