Make it possible to split deals between sales agents

Per A
Per A Member Posts: 4 NEW MEMBER
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For future updates, I think you really should consider an option to split a deal between two owners/agents within a team/organization. As for now, we have to manage these deals in Excel, which kind of takes the fun and functionality out of using Pipedrive.

We use products in order to make a prognosis and we use goals to follow up our teams’ individual performance. For a split deal, it would be great to divide it 50% (or other shares) between deal owners/agents. As it is now, this lack of feature makes our work harder, and the statistics corrupt.

If anyone has a workaround I'm interested but what I have read so far is not more efficient than doing this manually in Excel, and the individual statistics is still corrupt, thus several functions in Pipedrive is useless unfortunately. I'm I wrong – please tell me, nothing would make me happier!

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  • Manuel Oliveira
    Manuel Oliveira Admin Posts: 1,375 COMMUNITY MANAGER
    1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary 250 Likes 25 Answers

    Hi @Per A thanks for the feedback. So we can better understand your context, can you share a bit more on the process you use now to split deals between owners, and which criteria are important to you?

  • Per A
    Per A Member Posts: 4 NEW MEMBER
    First Comment

    Hi, Manuel! We need to keep track of our agents commission and we need to follow up their sales goals. Often two agents cooperate with a deal. Since we can't split the deal in Pipedrive, we use Excel to keep track of the split deals manually. Thanks!

  • Tony Xavier
    Tony Xavier Pipedrive Team Posts: 204 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    25 Answers 100 Comments 25 Likes Second Anniversary

    Hello @Per A,

    Based on the information you provided, the one possible workaround would be to create custom fields to store the name of the user (deal owners and agents), ideally a multiple-option custom field and another single-option custom field to choose the type of deal, like if it is a split deal or not. Additionally, you could use a text or number-based custom field to store the share value for each deal. See an example here:

    Once you have these fields, you will be able to set up a deal performance report to track the deals that are of split type and segment it based on the people it is split between:

    While these fields are limited in terms of being used for goals, they will give you an overview of all the split deals within Pipedrive. Hopefully, this could be an inspiration or a starting point, but if you have any specific questions, please feel free to contact our support team!