Accurate MRR reporting for Tiered Pricing Business Models

David Rose_45650
David Rose_45650 Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
Third Anniversary

With the dropping of support for Subscription Revenue we are now encouraged to use Revenue forecast based on Product only.
Our Business Model is an Annual License Fee for Software that often has a Tiered pricing option whereby the price increases each year for the first 3 years than stabilises on that 3rd year payment.
I want to be able to see a reflection of this in the MRR figure so that after 1 year the MRR will increase according to the new yearly fee. It appears that Pipedrive only uses an Aggregate value not a value triggered by a date which is crazy as the Product revenue Forecast Report will show an increase triggered by a specific date.
As it is if my fees are Year 1 =10k, Year 2= 20k and Year 3 =30k then my MRR will show as being 4,999. Which is way different to the reality which is Year 1=833, Year 2=1,666 and Year 3 = 2,500.
Please implement a system that accurately reflects the MRR for Tiered pricing

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