Parent/Child Deal Cards (Direct/Indirect)
I want to have a Parent/Main Deal Card and from that Deal Card, Child/Sub Deal Cards. Is that possible? Reason being, we have a Main Project (Parent/Main Deal Card), and for that project, I am quoting our services to multiple OEM whom are all seperately tendering for the same Main project. So, in the end, only one OEM wins that project.
Different OEM have different owners and area sales reps and different offers, different probability of win, etc...
Or phrased differently, I could quote Direct to the end user, and I could quote Indirect to a third party who is adding a markup and then quoting to the end user. Direct and Indirect Deals.
The workaround I am proposing to my team, as of now, far from optimum, is to use the title of the Parent/Main/Direct Deal Card, and create new deal cards using the same title and just add the OEM name in the end of the child/Sub/Indirect Deal Card, but this is not really efficient.
Do you have other workarounds?
Thank you very much for your help.
Best regards,