Would you like to be leader of this channel?

Reply to this post letting us know!
Your responsibilities are to update the description of this channel to your liking, introduce yourself as the Finland community leader and spread the word amongst other Finland Pipedrive users you're aware of to start joining. 🇫🇮
Is it going to be how tight scheduling? In finnish or English ? < for finnish customers or all ?
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Hi Inês!
We have a 40+ sales group and are taking off with the Professional plan - Azure and ERP integrations are nearly finished.
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Is it going to be how tight scheduling? In finnish or English ? < for finnish customers or all ?
Hi @Petri Lehtinen/ Eventlink Promotions !
What do you mean by tight scheduling? There is no fixed scheduling for posting, but ideally it should be regular enough to keep the channel alive and thriving.
Posting in this channel can be in either language, however users prefer
Because it is the Finland channel it makes more sense to have only members from Finland or interested/experienced in the Finnish market, be they Pipedrive users or not.
The role of the Channel Leader is to make sure to keep the channel engaged with content, promote discussion among members, and bring in new members. Interested? 🙂0 -
Ville Väisänen said:
Hi Inês!
We have a 40+ sales group and are taking off with the Professional plan - Azure and ERP integrations are nearly finished.
Hi @Ville Väisänen , that's great to hear, you should bring them all onboard the Community and the Finnish channel!
Are you interested in being a channel leader here?
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@Inês Batata would be interesting!
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Hi Inês!
I am interested and my 10 Pipedrive certified colleagues in Finland are my support. Is the position still open?
BR Juho, Zimple // Pipedrive Elite Partner