From Zoho to Pipedrive, Advice Wanted

Cassandra McCarley
Cassandra McCarley Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
edited July 2022 in Sales CRM #1

Currently using Pipedrive for my mainline work. Trying to shift my other business from Zoho to Pipedrive. Has anyone moved their CRM from another platform? What were the challenges? We are currently using Zoho mail as well. What were your challenges? Was the transition seamless or problematic? All advice welcome!


  • Mike van der Valk
    Mike van der Valk Pipedrive Team Posts: 3,036 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    edited September 2020 #2

    @Boris Tsibelman @Amit Sarda @Paul Minors @Marco Govoni any experience helping people move from Zoho to Pipedrive that can help @Cassandra McCarley ?

  • Paul Minors
    Paul Minors Member Posts: 92 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited September 2020 #3

    Hi @Cassandra McCarley . Usually, I find the key with migrating data is to take your time when mapping the data and fields you have in Zoho to the new fields in Pipedrive. It helps to export your data from Zoho so you can see what format everything comes in. Then using Pipedrive's spreadsheet import template, you can map out where this data will go in Pipedrive i.e. into your organisation/person/deal fields. You can import organisations, people and deals all in one step if you do this correctly. But don't worry, even if you make a mistake with your import, you can revert it within 48 hours and try again. Hope that helps!

  • Bernd Auer
    Bernd Auer Member Posts: 346 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited September 2020 #4

    Hi @Cassandra McCarley

    Pipedrive offers an "Import from another software" function beside the "import from another spreadsheet". Depending on your data quality, this could be the easier way. 

    The thing with this option is: You have to name all custom fields exactly the same in Pipedrive as in Zoho. Option fields have to have the same values. Otherwise it is not imported. So a field like "Newsletter" with the Option "Yes" will not be imported if you call it "newsletter" and the option will not be set if you name it "yes". It is even capital sensitive. So you could give it a try before you go the manual way. If it doesn't work out for any reasons: You can erase all data (not the custom fields/pipelines etc - just the data) if it didn't work out by doing a little trick - but I do not want to post it here. I'll tell you personally if you have to do it ;-)  

    The email "import" is not an issue, because you are not importing the emails but syncing your mail server. You will find the needed settings in your Zohomail (on the right hand side => Mail => Mailaccount). It just will happen, that the old emails are not synced to one specific deal, but they will be connected to a person/organisation. In any case, you should do this after you imported the data.

    Please let me know if you need any further help!

  • Mike van der Valk
    Mike van der Valk Pipedrive Team Posts: 3,036 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    edited September 2020 #5

    @Paul Minors and @Bernd Auer great insights. Are there common questions or struggles you see from old Zoho users getting into Pipedrive that @Cassandra McCarley should take into account? 

  • Bernd Auer
    Bernd Auer Member Posts: 346 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited October 2020 #6

    @Mike van der Valk @Cassandra McCarley

    Nothing in particular. A system transition is always a change for all players. Zoho users typically find it relatively easy to switch, because they know the basic concepts of modern working. Besides that, they are facing the usual issues that every new Pipedrive user faces: How do I set up the pipelines correctly? Which reports really help me? Can workflows support me? And quite simply: Where is the button I am looking for? :-)

    So I can only advise you to watch Pipedrive academy videos or other videos on youtube. If you don't have the time, you can find good consultants on Either someone who understands his job perfectly and/or a regional one, because there are many regional topics, like the connection to billing tools or telephony.

  • Paul Minors
    Paul Minors Member Posts: 92 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited September 2020 #7

    I agree with @Bernd Auer . The main thing I get new users to understand is the Pipedrive hierarchy and how Organisations are linked to contacts and deals. Often people misunderstand what a deal is and I explain that a deal represents a 'sales opportunity' or 'transaction'. So there are situations where you'll have multiple deals on the go for a client.

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