How to measure time in seconds from lead-in to outbound sales call

What would the best way to measure time (seconds) it takes us to reach a lead via call once this lead applied for our service? I assume it should be something related to the activity. E.g. duration between an activity got created and the call was logged? Is there a standard, Pipedrive way of doing this? Thanks!
This was on my todo list for awhile as well. I just implemented it a few weeks ago. We use Integromat to manage our integrations - and I don't think I could have done this without it. So first, I created a custom field for inbound creation time. This may not be necessary for you if the lead is created when the call comes in. But for us, we also prospect out of pipedrive, so we import lists and so the contact creation field wouldn't work for us. When a phone call comes in, that field is set to the date and time of the inbound call. Unfortunately Pipedrive does not have Date & Time fields, so that field is a text field, and if you need to work across multiple time zones, you may need to include time zone information in that text field as well. Then I created a custom field (number) for the # of minutes to respond. If the inbound call is answered "live", then we set the response time to 0.0. When an outbound call is made, we set that field based on the duration between the prospect response field and the current time. We also made it a bit more complex in that we decided that the # of minutes to respond should not be calculated after 8pm or before 8am. So if a call comes in at 7:55pm and is responded to at 8:05am, then the duration to respond would be 10 minutes - but that may not apply for your business and does make the backend formula quite a bit more complicated.
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Hi @Martin Boonzaayer, thanks a lot for your thoughtful answer and I appreciate the level of detail. I found it quite inventive, still confused if not concerned by the lack of such a basic metric built-in to Pipedrive itself. Anyway, thanks a lot!
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Great thoughts, thanks for sharing @Martin Boonzaayer and @Dmitry D I'll pass on your feedback to the team!
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@Martin Boonzaayer do you use any automations or are your sales people just inputting the time they responded manually? Wouldn't you then have to double check what they input against their email log to make sure it's accurate? And.. wouldn't it be tedious for them to input this every time?