How do you deal with retention in Pipedrive?

We SaaS model and once in a year, we need to renegotiated deals. What is your best practise, how you keep all transparent?
You can use a zapier automation to create a new deal when the old deal is won? [and put it into a new pipeline so it doesn't get mixed in]
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Boris Tsibelman said:
You can use a zapier automation to create a new deal when the old deal is won? [and put it into a new pipeline so it doesn't get mixed in]
this is exactly what I do now - but it has some drawbacks - no previous email communication, hard to track activities, which are on the edge (prior renewal date trigger)
overall - we are struggling to clearly state when sales should put activity to already won deal, organisation and renewal deal
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Boris Tsibelman said:
You can use a zapier automation to create a new deal when the old deal is won? [and put it into a new pipeline so it doesn't get mixed in]
Totally understood - that's definitely a downside for this type of approach.
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Boris Tsibelman said:
You can use a zapier automation to create a new deal when the old deal is won? [and put it into a new pipeline so it doesn't get mixed in]
in this case multiple views and workplaces create confusion - would be nice to pinn (realocate) emails manually (in the same way as tasks) to different deals no matter who sent them
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@Martin Pecha is it an idea to move the original deal to a new pipeline and keep the copy marked as won in the first pipeline?
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I've created a field to be completed with each new deal for "Renewals", Upgrades, Downgrades, Additionals to a current customer. Not sure if this helps?
So it will be a new deal and obviously link with "organization/customer contact so you have all the needed info
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In our Case you can use the feature paymentplan and abonnement
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We tag them as customers (or past customers) and then have account and contact filters set up. Then we have a procedure to check in. That said, we have a lot of recurring business. So our team is in frequent contact with all active customers.
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We created a custom field for renewal date and we set up a Workflow that triggers a task named “set renewal date to 60 days prior to expiration” every time a deal is marked as won. Then we mark that task complete once we set the renewal date and create a reminder for that same date where the deal owner reaches out to the customer to discuss renewal.
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Rami - Thanks for that. I'm adding it to our workflow.
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Boris Tsibelman said:
You can use a zapier automation to create a new deal when the old deal is won? [and put it into a new pipeline so it doesn't get mixed in]
I have a separate pipeline called "Customer Success"
When the first deal is won, I have two zaps: one that creates a renewal deal (that I put in a different stage depending on the payment period (not the same churn if it's monthly, quarterly, bi yearly or yearly).
And a second zap that creates a customer success deal. This deal is a deal that my team never win (can only lose/close if the client leaves). We use it as a logbook of everything that happens. So we can track all communication with the client before, during and after the renewal.
All negotiations, everything related to their renewal goes on the renewal deals (that must be won or lost).
You can also track everything on organization level I guess.
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Mike Black said:
Rami - Thanks for that. I'm adding it to our workflow.
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I just created an extra stage at the end, two actually. One for Client, one for former client that I use for following up to win back.
Now that they are a client, you can set a renewal date and other follow up activities.
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Mike van der Valk said:
@Martin Pecha is it an idea to move the original deal to a new pipeline and keep the copy marked as won in the first pipeline?
probably one of the better solutions, yes - still not decided which solution is the best
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Boris Tsibelman said:
You can use a zapier automation to create a new deal when the old deal is won? [and put it into a new pipeline so it doesn't get mixed in]
this is an interesting idea, thanks for sharing - my team is also used to write it to a deal - but I think that it is a bit misuse of the product and looking for some better solution - I like when all is moving and I as the manager can see the progress - the look from organizational level is something I am currently using
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Daniela Theart said:
I've created a field to be completed with each new deal for "Renewals", Upgrades, Downgrades, Additionals to a current customer. Not sure if this helps?
So it will be a new deal and obviously link with "organization/customer contact so you have all the needed info
yes, we do this as well - we create deals with deal title including upgrade, renewal atd. - only issue is that you cannot see the history of communication - often the one which led to creating a new deal - you can map it afterward manually but that is a next step + it has to be done by author of email
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Rami Eatessami said:
We created a custom field for renewal date and we set up a Workflow that triggers a task named “set renewal date to 60 days prior to expiration” every time a deal is marked as won. Then we mark that task complete once we set the renewal date and create a reminder for that same date where the deal owner reaches out to the customer to discuss renewal.
this is good, however, for me, I am lacking the movement as something is happening - this I cannot see if all activities happen within a deal and not on the level of the pipeline. That is the reason why I created new pipeline renewal so I can see that every deal has some activity and progress
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Mike Black said:
Rami - Thanks for that. I'm adding it to our workflow.
I have created a bit different workflow - I have a custom field when the contract is ending. I have a filter for organisation - show me all organisations where the field "end contract" is from today up 3 months.
When new company fulfill this filter I have an automation which creates a deal in new pipeline renewal and inform the sales team.
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Mike Black said:
Rami - Thanks for that. I'm adding it to our workflow.
Good idea!