Customize default title in deals

Peter Hultqvist
Peter Hultqvist Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
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Almost all of our deals have the default title of the organisation name.

Most of our deals are of the same type but a few are of a different sales process.

When scanning a list of deals it's hard to distinguish them as every deal has a different title, the name of the organisation.

The suggestion is to allow customization of the default deal title.

  • Organisation name (default today)
  • Pipeline name
  • (Empty until explicitly entered)

Second suggestion is to make the default deal title only a placeholder unless specified.
This way you don't have to delete the old copied organisation name before entering the deal title.

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  • Mike van der Valk
    Mike van der Valk Pipedrive Team Posts: 3,036 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    edited September 2020 #2

    Hi @Peter Hultqvist 

    Thanks for sharing, I'll pass it along to the team.
    I can recommend to edit the list view a bit. You can add/remove certain columns and drag the order around so you can for example already create that the first 3 columns have

    • Deal title
    • Org name
    • Pipeline name

    Check out here more on how to do it. Nonetheless, I'll make sure our team sees your suggestions.

  • Jean-Patrick HERBUTE
    Jean-Patrick HERBUTE Member Posts: 10 VERIFIED MEMBER
    10 Comments Second Anniversary Photogenic
    edited October 2020 #3

    Hi @Peter Hultqvist,

    first of all, excuse me if the following suggestion isn't relative ...

    As I understand your request, I can suggest you automate your deal title formatting with some very simple Workflow automation. 

    For example, you could trigger the automation upon deal creation, and depending on the fields you entered when creating the new deal, you could decide wheter or not a deal title should be affected. Therefor, you can update the deal's fields  and particularly the Title, entring here whatever you want and even take advantage of the placeholders.

    Once again, sorry if this isn't relative

  • Mike van der Valk
    Mike van der Valk Pipedrive Team Posts: 3,036 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    edited October 2020 #4

    Great suggestion, thanks for sharing @Jean-Patrick HERBUTE 

  • Dejan Borota
    Dejan Borota Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited June 2022 #5

    The workflow automation workaround works nicely, although this should be some sort of standard option. Is it possible to extend the functionalities of the workflow automation also to the "leads" ? Currently you can only trigger on "deal", "person", or "organization", which is a shame... Or is there a timeline when this will be available? 

  • Mike van der Valk
    Mike van der Valk Pipedrive Team Posts: 3,036 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    edited January 2021 #6

    The workflow automation workaround works nicely, although this should be some sort of standard option. Is it possible to extend the functionalities of the workflow automation also to the "leads" ? Currently you can only trigger on "deal", "person", or "organization", which is a shame... Or is there a timeline when this will be available? 

    Hi @Dejan Borota we're working on it 🚀

  • Andreas Sihm
    Andreas Sihm Member Posts: 4 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited December 2021 #7

    Is it possible to make three custom fields for Deals so that the Deal Title becomes "Custom Field 1" + "Custom Field 2" + "Custom Field 3" ?
    I don't see a way to automate this currently

  • jpoyser
    jpoyser Member Posts: 6 VERIFIED MEMBER
    First Comment

    Piggy backing off this thread.

    Suggesting a 'customise Lead/Deal Title default' in Settings.

    I don't believe there is a way to edit what this placeholder text is. And it would be REALLY great if we could. Reason being it saves time and avoids human error when naming Leads/Deals.

    Use case example:

    Company has decided that the naming convention for Deals is {Custom Field: Project Code} {Org Name} - {Person Name}.

    It would be EXCELLENT if the Deal title's placeholder text could be configured in Settings to be these fields. Then when Deals are created the Title's placeholder text are dynamic to these fields.

    It would be good to distinguish between Lead & Deal naming convention, i.e. being able to configure both.

    Would dramatically level up the UX.

  • jpoyser
    jpoyser Member Posts: 6 VERIFIED MEMBER
    First Comment

    Piggy backing off this thread.

    Suggesting a 'customise Lead/Deal Title default' in Settings.

    I don't believe there is a way to edit what this placeholder text is. And it would be REALLY great if we could. Reason being it saves time and avoids human error when naming Leads/Deals.

    Use case example:

    Company has decided that the naming convention for Deals is {Custom Field: Project Code} {Org Name} - {Person Name}.

    It would be EXCELLENT if the Deal title's placeholder text could be configured in Settings to be these fields. Then when Deals are created the Title's placeholder text are dynamic to these fields.

    It would be good to distinguish between Lead & Deal naming convention, i.e. being able to configure both.

    Would dramatically level up the UX.

  • Michael Carroll_1674
    Michael Carroll_1674 Member Posts: 6 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Third Anniversary First Comment Photogenic

    Yes. I need the customization of the Deal Titles through Automation. Please move forward with this and it would make us very happy.