What makes selling in Slovakia unique? Use this channel to connect and speak Slovak if you prefer :)

Inês Batata
Inês Batata Posts: 2,034 VERIFIED MEMBER
25 Likes Third Anniversary Photogenic Community Manager
edited July 2022 in Sales CRM #1

Hi all,

Ľubomír Kukuča took the initiative with this Slovakia channel. Please use it to connect with local people who work in sales and use Pipedrive.

Discuss questions, tips & tricks and above all feel free to speak Slovak!  

So tell us: what are the most common do's and dont's for doing business in Slovakia? What's your experience like?



  • Ľubomír Kukuča
    Ľubomír Kukuča Member Posts: 9 VERIFIED MEMBER
    First Anniversary Photogenic
    edited October 2020 #2

    I think that in Slovakia clients do not like to waste time and prefer when the business debate goes straight to the point.


    Myslím že na Slovensku klienti neradi strácajú čas a preferujú, keď obchodná debata ide priamo k veci.

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