Admin powers and the Mail in Pipedrive

ROsiecki Member Posts: 5 VERIFIED MEMBER
Third Anniversary Combo Breaker First Comment Photogenic
edited February 2024 in Ideas and Product Feedback #1

Recently, I have been running into a situation where the default settings for visibility of emails sent into Pipedrive have been changed to "Private". My company uses Pipedrive for everything from sales, engineering, finance, commissions, etc., so everything must remain "shared". Currently, Admins don't have the ability to update key settings like this for all users.

Related to this, Admins are also unable to repoint emails that are sent into the wrong deal for users. As I have in excess of 60 users, it can take weeks to repoint all emails if the error was over a long chain and multiple users.

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  • Clarissa Martins
    Clarissa Martins Pipedrive Team Posts: 78 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    edited October 2020 #2

    Hello @Rebecca Osiecki, thank you for reaching. This is Clarissa from the Management Team at Support.

    Let me start by saying that I totally understand what you brought into our understand as we do appreciate feedbacks.

    Please allow me the opportunity to shed some light into how we work, in regards to emails in Pipedrive. Emails are the only thing that we consider to be private in Pipedrive. Regardless of a certain user being Admin or Regular, email visibility is always a matter of choice of the email owner. With this in mind, even if a user has access to see a certain email on Pipedrive, he won't be able to respond to that email unless he is the email owner. Same goes for email automations, as we will not be sending emails on behalf of someone due to an automation made by someone else. So you can indeed create an automation that is triggered by anyone, but the email will always be sent from the email owner that created the automation.

    Imagine this scenario when someone from your company creates an email to be triggered whenever a deal is won and you would be seeing yourself sending out emails not written by your, and not sent with your consent. I believe you get my point from here.

    We know that there are companies that work with emails on a company lever, not as much as on a personal level, but overall we understand that the grand majority of emails are private.

    Regardless I'll share your feedback with our team and if you feel the need for more information or maybe a technical help, please feel free to reach out to our Support team via

  • ROsiecki
    ROsiecki Member Posts: 5 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited February 2022 #3

    Actually I don’t.  Our plan doesn’t let us send out emails.  Our company requires full visibility of all emails in Pipiedrive for every reason from compliance to authorization to execute a deal.  As Admin, I need to be able to make global settings changes to my users to comply with this.  That includes the ability to set all emails to be shared, which I can’t now.  I can’t even repoint emails without getting the user online and walking them through it.  Emails should only be considered private to the company using Pipedrive, not by each user/employee.

  • Clarissa Martins
    Clarissa Martins Pipedrive Team Posts: 78 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    edited October 2020 #4

    Actually I don’t.  Our plan doesn’t let us send out emails.  Our company requires full visibility of all emails in Pipiedrive for every reason from compliance to authorization to execute a deal.  As Admin, I need to be able to make global settings changes to my users to comply with this.  That includes the ability to set all emails to be shared, which I can’t now.  I can’t even repoint emails without getting the user online and walking them through it.  Emails should only be considered private to the company using Pipedrive, not by each user/employee.

    Once again, @Rebecca Osiecki, thank you very much for your feedback. 

    Regardless of the fact that you have full access to the email sync or the smart BCC feature, a user can forward a private email - therefore our decision to make this section private. 

    We can understand your case and the flow you have for your company, which is why I'll share your feedback internally. Pipedrive tries to match every bodies expectations, but of course as any other software we do have some limitations due to the UI or on how we decided to run a functionality. 

    Unfortunately, we do not develop or change features on demand, we share feedback with the Product Managers and after an extensive investigation, they assess if it is something that should be implemented or not, taking into consideration our users.

    Hope this can makes things more clear, but you still have doubts feel totally free to share them with us or our Support team.

  • ROsiecki
    ROsiecki Member Posts: 5 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Third Anniversary Combo Breaker First Comment Photogenic
    edited October 2020 #5

    Then at least make it so Admins can set their users to the "shared email" default as it was when we started using Pipedrive initially in 2016.

  • Richard
    Richard Member Posts: 15 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Then at least make it so Admins can set their users to the "shared email" default

    Yes, we would also like this feature.

  • Thiago Mello
    Thiago Mello Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
    First Comment

    Then at least make it so Admins can set their users to the "shared email" default

    Yes, we would also like this feature.