Experience with visibility groups

My company needs to create siloed groups within Pipedrive whose data/entries are protected from the rest of the company (a sensitive client). Will visibility groups be the solution we are looking for? Have folks had good experience with using visibility groups? We are debating upgrading and want to make sure visibility groups behaves the way we want them to, i.e., if you create a visibility group this group's data is not viewable by the rest of the Pipedrive user base.
This is exactly what visibility groups is for. It should work for you.
Perhaps you have any specific questions around the possibilities of it? Then @Bernd Auer @Amit Sarda @Boris Tsibelman and other experts here might be able to confirm that what you want to do is possible or not.
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Mike van der Valk said:
This is exactly what visibility groups is for. It should work for you.
Perhaps you have any specific questions around the possibilities of it? Then @Bernd Auer @Amit Sarda @Boris Tsibelman and other experts here might be able to confirm that what you want to do is possible or not.
We have a subcontractor that we work on deals with. We want them to see only a subset of our Pipedrive data relevant to this work. How do we create a visibility group restricting JUST the sub's visibility into the rest of our company data? It seems like we have to go through every deal not related to this project, and put THAT in its own visibility group.
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Mike van der Valk said:
This is exactly what visibility groups is for. It should work for you.
Perhaps you have any specific questions around the possibilities of it? Then @Bernd Auer @Amit Sarda @Boris Tsibelman and other experts here might be able to confirm that what you want to do is possible or not.
You'd have to set his user to be only able to see deals, contact people and orgs that he's the owner of and then assign him ownership to them @Elena Kazarov
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@Elena Kazarov I just can agree with Mike. It should work exactly for what you want to achieve. The functionality in general has some space for improvements, but if you have a predifined set of deals somebody should work on, you will be happy.
Just give it a try! Ask the support. Maybe they will upgrade you for a trial periode ;-)0 -
We did upgrade, and the visibility groups are not functioning the way we need them to. Here is the scenario:
I work at Company A. We subcontract some work to Company B. We want company B to ONLY have access to a portion of our Company A data, while the rest of the users (Company A) have access to all data (Company A + Company
. To me, the visibility groups follow the logic of "who can see what this group creates", but what we want is "what can this group see/not see." We tried the following:
Group: Company A. Settings: Owner's visibility group (I read this as: only Company A staff can see items created by this group).
Group: Company B. Settings: Entire company (I read this as: entire company can see items created by this group - which we want).
The problem with this is we have to go through EVERY other deal that we work on for Company A, and re-assign it to "Owner's visibility group", which is unsustainable.
Does anyone have a solution?
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Basically, I need flipped logic: "members of this group can see/cannot see....XYZ", not "who can see stuff created by this group."
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I would suggest to read through this article that explains what all the specific groups mean.
Basically you'd need to make company B a child group of company A. Then set visibility for company B to "Owner's visibility group" this way they can see only the data they are the owner of, or is owned by someone else in their group. Company A can still see it as well since they are the parent.
Company A is then also set to "Owner's visibility group" this way everyone in company A can see each others data but company B can't see it since they are below them in the hierarchy.
Admins can always see everything. So now go through the list views of the contact persons, orgs and deals and make sure all the items are also all set to "Owner's visibility group". You can do this by a bulk edit action in the list view.
Copied from the article I linked in the top here:
- Owner only
This option is the most strict — outside of Admin Users and users in parent group, the only user allowed to view or edit details related to item with this visibility is the owner of that item. For more information about ownership in Pipedrive, scroll to the bottom of this article. - Owner's visibility group
For this option, Pipedrive provides visibility to any item created by a user in this group to any other user in this same visibility group, as well any Admin User in the account, and users in any parent group to this one. - Owner's visibility group and sub-groups
In this option, visibility is open to almost any other user in the company, except for users who have not been assigned to a visibility group in Pipedrive. Any Admin User, and any user in the same, above, or below visibility groups will be able to see items created by a user in this group. - Entire company
This option is the most free — all users in the Pipedrive company are allowed to view and edit details related to items with this visibility setting.
0 - Owner only
@Elena Kazarov if it's somehow still now working please reach out to our support chat, they can help you better and quicker!
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