Google and FB Ads to deals

Hi everyone. We have been using a FB ad for a while now to help generate leads. We are going to begin running several FB and Google ads. We need to be able to track which ad specifically resulted in a deal. Are there any best practices you can recommend or a 3rd party software you are using that is working well for you to track which specific ad converted to the deal? Currently, our FB ad (FB AD 01) is included in the title of the deal (via Zapier), but I can not use this to generate any reports. I need another way to track the source of the deal (FB AD 01, FB AD 02, Google AD 01, Google Ad 02, etc.) so that I am able to pull reports in Pipedrive based on which ad they came from. Thank you.
Create a separate field to track the source.
With my clients, I use 2 separate fields: Source and Platform.
Source: To categorize the source of the deal broadly (Website, Ads)
Platform: To look at deals more granularly (ig, FB, website contact form, landing page form, etc.).
For ads specifically, I created a custom field called Referrer where I track the Ad ID or the Ad name. I set these up as part of the ZAP.
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Hi @Bob Weiss , what an interesting use case, thank you for sharing!
I suggest using Deal Labels or creating a Custom Field in Deals to register the ad code instead of putting it in the deal title, as that way you'll be able to pull deal reports in Insights based on either of those fields.
Hope that helps and happy tracking!
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Hey, @Bob Weiss, have you found a solution?
We are currently testing one product in an early stage that sends UTM tags to Pipedrive and WON/LOST info to Google Analytics with revenue or reason. If you'd like to be one of the test clients hit me up at and I can show you the details.
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You can use GA Connector to track the source of each deal and import it to Pipedrive deals. It was built to solve the exact problem you're having.
Full disclosure: I'm the founder of GA Connector