Copies of deals

Berend Olde Rikkert
Berend Olde Rikkert Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
edited July 2022 in Sales CRM #1

PD copies generates exact copies of a deal. How can I erase them?


  • Yannik Sommer_13971
    Yannik Sommer_13971 Member Posts: 7 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited November 2020 #2

    Hi Berend, 

    What do you mean with exact copies of the deal? 

    What is your expected outcome with using the deal copy function?

    Generally, you can delete any kind of deal either in the detail view, pipeline view, or list view. 

    If you want to bulk-delete copies of deals, you can try setting up a filter in the list view. 

    Something like Deal Name contains copy 

    This should show you all duplicated deals, given you didn't change the name of the duplicate.

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